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Behold! The day we all were patiently waiting what feels like an eternity for, Kayden's entrance into the world was finally here. My estimated due date was July 15th, but I was measuring a week in advance. So technically he came right when he was suppose to, how punctual! Now let me rewind for you, lets go back to the day before.


I've hosted stadium workout bootcamps for the past two summers now, and I managed to still do them this summer (modified of course). This specific day I felt ambitious and decided to jog the stairs myself, in hopes of inducing this labor because I was ready for him to come! So 10 am sharp I got a solid workout in followed by walking around the mall with my friend Mica. If you couldn't tell I was convinced this was going to help, in reality i'm sure my body was ready and everything was more so ironic than induced.

It Begins

That evening I didn't get to sleep until midnight and was rudely awakened at 3am by contractions. Let me tell you, I never wish that pain upon anyone. With the help of the handy dandy app I had downloaded I was tracking my contractions. Not long after I gave First Nurse a call and she kindly informed me that it was not my time (I had contractions 10 minutes apart when they needed to be 5 or less apart) **insert dramatic sigh**. So yes I had to sit in pain patiently, but lucky for me things escalated quickly and they were soon 3 and 2 minute apart. 8am came fast! Kamari and I were headed to the medical arts building to get checked for dilation. Surprise! I was 4 cm dilated and we walked / waddled our butts on over to the hospital.


The entire pregnancy I was hoping to have an all natural labor, I tried for as long as I could until I broke down and asked for the epidural. I successfully made it to 6 cm though, so pat on the back to me. After trying every method to help get through the contractions I decided short torso'd people should just stick with sitting. My personal testimony is that if anyone asked me one more time if I wanted to give the birthing ball one more try - i'd pop all the birthing balls in the hospital. If you can't tell I was on edge during the contractions and I wanted to be comfortable. To really take in the experience and to not be rude to my guests. I started pushing around 6:30pm and Kayden officially arrived at 7:55pm.

The Arrival

The second Kayden arrived and was placed on my chest, i'm going to be honest - it felt surreal and I wasn't quite sure what to do. This beautiful baby boy with two bold eyes, ten delicate fingers and toes, two wiggly ears, one big smile, and a head full of hair was staring up at me so innocently. After he was cleaned up and swaddled I held my baby in my arms and everything seemed to stand still. He was finally here and I could not believe we created such a wonderful human being. Like i've said before, pregnancy is a beautiful journey, and all of our hard work is now a real tangible thing. Seeing his father hold him so delicately in his arms, smiling ear to ear is something I will never forget. This day is and will be one of the greatest of my life.

Welcome Kayden James // July 7th, 2017 - 7:55pm - 7 lbs & 12.5 oz - 21.5 inches

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